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PaddleOCR DJL example

In this tutorial, we will be using pretrained PaddlePaddle model from PaddleOCR to do Optical character recognition (OCR) from the given image. There are three models involved in this tutorial:

  • Word detection model: used to detect the word block from the image
  • Word direction model: used to find if the text needs to rotate
  • Word recognition model: Used to recognize test from the word block

Import dependencies and classes

PaddlePaddle is one of the Deep Engines that requires DJL hybrid mode to run inference. Itself does not contains NDArray operations and needs a supplemental DL framework to help with that. So we import Pytorch DL engine as well in here to do the processing works.

// %mavenRepo snapshots

%maven ai.djl:api:0.27.0
%maven ai.djl.paddlepaddle:paddlepaddle-model-zoo:0.27.0
%maven org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.36

// second engine to do preprocessing and postprocessing
%maven ai.djl.pytorch:pytorch-engine:0.27.0
import ai.djl.*;
import ai.djl.inference.Predictor;
import ai.djl.modality.Classifications;
import ai.djl.ndarray.*;
import ai.djl.ndarray.types.DataType;
import ai.djl.ndarray.types.Shape;
import ai.djl.repository.zoo.*;
import ai.djl.translate.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

the Image

Firstly, let's take a look at our sample image, a flight ticket:

String url = "";
Image img = ImageFactory.getInstance().fromUrl(url);
No description has been provided for this image

Word detection model

In our word detection model, we load the model exported from PaddleOCR. After that, we can spawn a DJL Predictor from it called detector.

var criteria1 = Criteria.builder()
        .setTypes(Image.class, DetectedObjects.class)
        .optTranslator(new PpWordDetectionTranslator(new ConcurrentHashMap<string, string="">()))
var detectionModel = criteria1.loadModel();
var detector = detectionModel.newPredictor();
[IJava-executor-0] INFO ai.djl.paddlepaddle.jni.LibUtils - Paddle MKL/GPU requires user to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/runner/, the current one is set to: /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.12.3/x64/lib

[IJava-executor-0] INFO ai.djl.pytorch.engine.PtEngine - PyTorch graph executor optimizer is enabled, this may impact your inference latency and throughput. See:

[IJava-executor-0] INFO ai.djl.pytorch.engine.PtEngine - Number of inter-op threads is 2

[IJava-executor-0] INFO ai.djl.pytorch.engine.PtEngine - Number of intra-op threads is 2

Then, we can detect the word block from it. The original output from the model is a bitmap that marked all word regions. The PpWordDetectionTranslator convert the output bitmap into a rectangle bounded box for us to crop the image.

var detectedObj = detector.predict(img);
Image newImage = img.duplicate();
No description has been provided for this image

As you can see above, the word block are very narrow and does not include the whole body of all words. Let's try to extend it a bit for a better result. extendRect extend the box height and width to a certain scale. getSubImage will crop the image and extract the word block.

Image getSubImage(Image img, BoundingBox box) {
    Rectangle rect = box.getBounds();
    double[] extended = extendRect(rect.getX(), rect.getY(), rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight());
    int width = img.getWidth();
    int height = img.getHeight();
    int[] recovered = {
        (int) (extended[0] * width),
        (int) (extended[1] * height),
        (int) (extended[2] * width),
        (int) (extended[3] * height)
    return img.getSubImage(recovered[0], recovered[1], recovered[2], recovered[3]);

double[] extendRect(double xmin, double ymin, double width, double height) {
    double centerx = xmin + width / 2;
    double centery = ymin + height / 2;
    if (width &gt; height) {
        width += height * 2.0;
        height *= 3.0;
    } else {
        height += width * 2.0;
        width *= 3.0;
    double newX = centerx - width / 2 &lt; 0 ? 0 : centerx - width / 2;
    double newY = centery - height / 2 &lt; 0 ? 0 : centery - height / 2;
    double newWidth = newX + width &gt; 1 ? 1 - newX : width;
    double newHeight = newY + height &gt; 1 ? 1 - newY : height;
    return new double[] {newX, newY, newWidth, newHeight};

Let's try to extract one block out:

List<detectedobjects.detectedobject> boxes = detectedObj.items();
var sample = getSubImage(img, boxes.get(5).getBoundingBox());
No description has been provided for this image

Word Direction model

This model is exported from PaddleOCR that can help to identify if the image is required to rotate. The following code will load this model and create a rotateClassifier.

var criteria2 = Criteria.builder()
        .setTypes(Image.class, Classifications.class)
        .optTranslator(new PpWordRotateTranslator())
var rotateModel = criteria2.loadModel();
var rotateClassifier = rotateModel.newPredictor();

Word Recgonition model

The word recognition model is exported from PaddleOCR that can recognize the text on the image. Let's load this model as well.

var criteria3 = Criteria.builder()
        .setTypes(Image.class, String.class)
        .optTranslator(new PpWordRecognitionTranslator())
var recognitionModel = criteria3.loadModel();
var recognizer = recognitionModel.newPredictor();

Then we can try to play with these two models on the previous cropped image:

    {"class": "Rotate", "probability": 0.52805}
    {"class": "No Rotate", "probability": 0.47194}


Finally, let's run these models on the whole image and see the outcome. DJL offers a rich image toolkit that allows you to draw the text on image and display them.

Image rotateImg(Image image) {
    try (NDManager manager = NDManager.newBaseManager()) {
        NDArray rotated = NDImageUtils.rotate90(image.toNDArray(manager), 1);
        return ImageFactory.getInstance().fromNDArray(rotated);

List<string> names = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
List<double> prob = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();
List<boundingbox> rect = new ArrayList&lt;&gt;();

for (int i = 0; i &lt; boxes.size(); i++) {
    Image subImg = getSubImage(img, boxes.get(i).getBoundingBox());
    if (subImg.getHeight() * 1.0 / subImg.getWidth() &gt; 1.5) {
        subImg = rotateImg(subImg);
    Classifications.Classification result = rotateClassifier.predict(subImg).best();
    if ("Rotate".equals(result.getClassName()) &amp;&amp; result.getProbability() &gt; 0.8) {
        subImg = rotateImg(subImg);
    String name = recognizer.predict(subImg);
newImage.drawBoundingBoxes(new DetectedObjects(names, prob, rect));
No description has been provided for this image