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DJL - PyTorch model zoo

The PyTorch model zoo contains symbolic (JIT Traced) models that can be used for inference. All the models in this model zoo contain pre-trained parameters for their specific datasets.


The latest javadocs can be found on here.

You can also build the latest javadocs locally using the following command:

# for Linux/macOS:
./gradlew javadoc

# for Windows:
..\..\gradlew javadoc

The javadocs output is built in the build/doc/javadoc folder.


You can pull the PyTorch engine from the central Maven repository by including the following dependency in you pom.xml file:


Pre-trained models

The PyTorch model zoo contains Computer Vision (CV) models. All the models are grouped by task under these two categories as follows:

  • CV
  • Image Classification
  • Object Detection
  • Style Transfer
  • Image Generation

How to find a pre-trained model in model zoo

Please see DJL Model Zoo