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DeepSpeed Engine User Guide

[!WARNING] DeepSpeed support has been removed starting with LMI container release 0.28.0. You should migrate to one of the other supported backends.
Please see the migration document for more details.

Model Artifacts Structure

DeepSpeed expects the model to be in the standard HuggingFace format.

Supported Model Architectures

The LMI 0.27.0 container currently ships DeepSpeed 0.12.6. DeepSpeed supports two modes for launching models: Kernel Injection, and Auto Tensor-Parallelism. Model architectures that support Kernel Injection are defined here. These model architectures have been optimized for inference through custom CUDA Kernel implementations. Model architectures that support Auto Tensor-Parallelism are defined here. Auto Tensor-Parallelism is used to host models across GPUs that do not have custom CUDA Kernel support.

When using LMI's integration with DeepSpeed, we will automatically apply kernel injection if the model architecture is supported.

The below model architectures have been carefully tested with LMI's DeepSpeed integrations:

  • GPT2
  • Bloom
  • GPT-J
  • GPT-Neo
  • GPT-Neo-X
  • OPT
  • Stable Diffusion
  • Llama

Complete Model Set

Kernel Injection:

  • GPT2
  • Bert
  • Bloom
  • GPT-J
  • GPT-Neo
  • GPT-Neo-X
  • OPT
  • Megatron
  • DistilBert
  • Stable Diffusion
  • Llama
  • Llama2
  • InternLM

Auto Tensor-Parallelism:

  • albert
  • baichuan
  • bert
  • bigbird_pegasus
  • bloom
  • camembert
  • codegen
  • codellama
  • deberta_v2
  • electra
  • ernie
  • esm
  • falcon
  • glm
  • gpt-j
  • gpt-neo
  • gpt-neox
  • longt5
  • luke
  • llama
  • llama2
  • m2m_100
  • marian
  • mistral
  • mpt
  • mvp
  • nezha
  • openai
  • opt
  • pegasus
  • perceiver
  • plbart
  • qwen
  • reformer
  • roberta
  • roformer
  • splinter
  • starcode
  • t5
  • xglm
  • xlm_roberta
  • yoso

Quick Start Configurations

You can leverage deepspeed with LMI using the following starter configurations:

option.model_id=<your model id>
# Adjust the following based on model size and instance type

You can follow this example to deploy a model with configuration on SageMaker.

environment variables

HF_MODEL_ID=<your model id>
# Adjust the following based on model size and instance type

You can follow this example to deploy a model with environment variable configuration on SageMaker.

Quantization Support

We support two methods of runtime quantization when using DeepSpeed with LMI: SmoothQuant, and Dynamic Int8.

If you are enabling quantization, we recommend using SmoothQuant for GPT2, GPT-J, GPT-Neo, GPT-Neo-X, Bloom, Llama model architectures. You can enable SmoothQuant using option.quantize=smoothquant in, or OPTION_QUANTIZE=smoothquant environment variable. You can optionally specify option.smoothquant_alpha in, orOPTION_QUANTIZE=smoothquant environment variable to control the quantization behavior. We recommend that you do not provide this value and let LMI determine it.

For models not supported for SmoothQuant, you can enable Dynamic Int8 quantization using option.quantize=dynamic_int8 in, or OPTION_QUANTIZE=dynamic_int8 environment variable. The Dynamic Int8 quantization method uses DeepSpeed's Mixture-of-Quantization algorithm for quantization.

Advanced DeepSpeed Configurations

The following table lists the advanced configurations that are available with the DeepSpeed backend. There are two types of advanced configurations: LMI, and Pass Through. LMI configurations are processed by LMI and translated into configurations that DeepSpeed uses. Pass Through configurations are passed directly to the backend library. These are opaque configurations from the perspective of the model server and LMI. We recommend that you file an issue for any issues you encounter with configurations. For LMI configurations, if we determine an issue with the configuration, we will attempt to provide a workaround for the current released version, and attempt to fix the issue for the next release. For Pass Through configurations it is possible that our investigation reveals an issue with the backend library. In that situation, there is nothing LMI can do until the issue is fixed in the backend library.

Item LMI Version Configuration Type Description Example value
option.task >= 0.25.0 LMI The task used in Hugging Face for different pipelines. Default is text-generation text-generation
option.quantize >= 0.25.0 LMI Specify this option to quantize your model using the supported quantization methods in DeepSpeed. SmoothQuant is our special offering to provide quantization with better quality dynamic_int8, smoothquant
option.max_tokens >= 0.25.0 LMI Total number of tokens (input and output) with which DeepSpeed can work. The number of output tokens in the difference between the total number of tokens and the number of input tokens. By default we set the value to 1024. If you are looking for long sequence generation, you may want to set this to higher value (2048, 4096..) 1024
option.low_cpu_mem_usage >= 0.25.0 Pass Through Reduce CPU memory usage when loading models. We recommend that you set this to True. Default:true
option.enable_cuda_graph >= 0.25.0 Pass Through Activates capturing the CUDA graph of the forward pass to accelerate. Default: false
option.triangular_masking >= 0.25.0 Pass Through Whether to use triangular masking for the attention mask. This is application or model specific. Default: true
option.return_tuple >= 0.25.0 Pass Through Whether transformer layers need to return a tuple or a tensor. Default: true
option.training_mp_size >= 0.25.0 Pass Through If the model was trained with DeepSpeed, this indicates the tensor parallelism degree with which the model was trained. Can be different than the tensor parallel degree desired for inference. Default: 1
option.checkpoint >= 0.25.0 Pass Through Path to DeepSpeed compatible checkpoint file. ds_inference_checkpoint.json
option.smoothquant_alpha >= 0.25.0 LMI If smoothquant is provided in option.quantize, you can provide this alpha value. If not provided, DeepSpeed will choose one for you. Any float value between 0 and 1