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Sentence Encoding using Apache Flink

This project runs a Sentence Encoding application with Apache Flink Stream API.

You can interactively type in sentences to simulate stream data, and Flink will process and show the result in the terminal.

The model is from TFHub Universal Sentence Encoder.

Step to run

Firstly you need to create a simple text server by doing the following in the terminal:


nc -l 9000


nc -l -p 9000

After that you can open another terminal in the project and run the follows:

./gradlew run --args="--port 9000"

On Windows use gradlew.bat instead.

Try to type in anything from your text server:

$ nc -l 9000
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

result shows on Flink application:

Loading:     100% |████████████████████████████████████████|
[-0.031330183, -0.06338634, -0.016074996, -0.010348981, -0.046500977, 0.03723154, 0.0059158537, ...]