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Container and Model Configurations

The configuration supplied to LMI provides required and optional information that LMI will use to load and serve your model. LMI containers accept configurations provided in two formats. In order of priority, these are:

  • Configuration File (per model configurations)
  • Environment Variables (global configurations)

We recommend using the configuration file for the following reasons:

  • Supports SageMaker Multi Model Endpoints with per model configurations
  • Environment Variables are applied globally to all models hosted by the model server, so they can't be used for model specific configuration
  • Separates model configuration from the SageMaker Model Object (deployment unit)
  • Configurations can be modified and updated independently of the deployment unit/code

Environment Variables are a good option for the proof-of-concept and experimentation phase for a single model. You can modify the environment variables as part of your deployment script without having to re-upload configurations to S3. This typically leads to a faster iteration loop when modifying and experimenting with configuration values.

While you can mix configurations between and environment variables, we recommend you choose one and specify all configuration in that format. Configurations specified in the files will override configurations specified in environment variables.

Both configuration mechanisms offer access to the same set of configurations.

If you know which backend you are going to use, you can find a set of starter configurations in the corresponding user guide. We recommend using the quick start configurations as a starting point if you have decided on a particular backend. The only change required to the starter configurations is specifying option.model_id to point to your model artifacts.

We will now cover the components of a minimal starting configuration. This minimal configuration will look like:

# use standard python engine, or mpi aware python engine
# where the model artifacts are stored
# which inference library to use
# how many gpus to shard the model across with tensor parallelism
option.tensor_parallel_degree=<max|number between 1 and number of gpus available>

There are additional configurations that can be specified. We will cover the common configurations (across backends) in LMI Common Configurations

Model Artifact Configuration

If you are deploying a model hosted on the HuggingFace Hub, you must specify the option.model_id=<hf_hub_model_id> configuration. When using a model directly from the hub, we recommend you also specify the model revision (commit hash) via option.revision=<commit hash>. Since model artifacts are downloaded at runtime from the Hub, using a specific revision ensures you are using a model compatible with package versions in the runtime environment. Open Source model artifacts on the hub are subject to change at any time, and these changes may cause issues when instantiating the model (the model may require a newer version of transformers than what is available in the container). If a model provides custom model ( and custom tokenizer ( files, you need to specify option.trust_remote_code=true to load and use the model.

If you are deploying a model hosted in S3, option.model_id=<s3 uri> should be the s3 object prefix of the model artifacts. Alternatively, you can upload the file to S3 alongside your model artifacts (under the same prefix) and omit the option.model_id config from your file. Example code for leveraging uncompressed artifacts in S3 are provided in the deploying your endpoint section.

Inference Library Configuration

LMI expects the following two configurations to determine which backend to use:

  • engine. The options are Python and MPI, which dictates how we launch the Python processes
  • option.rolling_batch. This represents the inference library to use. The available options depend on the container.
  • option.entryPoint. This represents the default inference handler to use. In most cases, this can be auto-detected and does not need to be specified

In the DeepSpeed Container:

  • to use vLLM, use engine=Python and option.rolling_batch=vllm
  • to use lmi-dist, use engine=MPI and option.rolling_batch=lmi-dist
  • to use DeepSpeed, use engine=MPI, option.rolling_batch=deepspeed, and option.entryPoint=djl_python.deepspeed

In the TensorRT-LLM Container:

  • use engine=MPI and option.rolling_batch=trtllm to use TensorRT-LLM

In the Transformers NeuronX Container:

  • use engine=Python and option.rolling_batch=auto to use Transformers NeuronX

Tensor Parallelism Configuration

The option.tensor_parallel_degree configuration is used to specify how many GPUs to shard the model across using tensor parallelism. This value should be between 1, and the maximum number of GPUs available on an instance.

We recommend setting this value to max, which will shard your model across all available GPUs.

Alternatively, if this value is specified as a number, LMI will attempt to maximize the number of model workers based on available GPUs.

For example, using an instance with 4 gpus and a tensor parallel degree of 2 will result in 2 model copies, each using 2 gpus.

LMI Common Configurations

There are two classes of configurations provided by LMI:

  • Model Server level configurations. These configurations do not have a prefix (e.g. job_queue_size)
  • Engine/Backend level configurations. These configurations have a option. prefix (e.g. option.model_id)

Since LMI is built using the DJLServing model server, all DJLServing configurations are available in LMI. You can find a list of these configurations here.

The following list of configurations is intended to highlight the relevant configurations for LMI:

Configuration Key Description Default Value Possible Values / Examples
engine The runtime engine of the inference code. For LMI this should either be MPI or Python depending on which inference library you use Python Python, MPI
job_queue_size The job/request queue size for the model. After this limit is reached, requests will be rejected until capacity becomes available 1000 Integer
option.model_id The HuggingFace Hub Model Id, or the S3 URI object prefix pointing to self-host model artifacts None meta-llama/Llama-2-7b-hf, s3://model-bucket/models/llama2-7b
option.trust_remote_code Set to true to use a HuggingFace Hub Model that contains custom code ( or files) false true, false
option.revision The commit hash of a HuggingFace Hub Model Id. We recommend setting this value to ensure you use a specific version of the model artifacts None dc1d3b3bfdb69df26f8fc966c16353274b138c56
option.rolling_batch Enables continuous batching (iteration level batching) with one of the supported backends. Available backends differ by container, see Inference Library Configurations for mappings None auto, vllm, lmi-dist, deepspeed, trtllm
option.max_rolling_batch_size The maximum number of requests/sequences the model can process at a time. This parameter should be tuned to maximize throughput while staying within the available memory limits. job_queue_size should be set to a value equal or higher to this value. If the current batch is full, new requests will be queued until they can be processed. 32 for all backends except DeepSpeed. 4 for DeepSpeed Integer
option.dtype The data type you plan to cast the model weights to. If not provided, LMI will use fp16. fp16 fp32, fp16, bf16 (only on G5/P4/P5 or newer instance types), int8 (only in lmi-dist)
option.tensor_parallel_degree The number of GPUs to shard the model across. Recommended value is max, which partitions the model across all available GPUS 1 for DeepSpeed and Transformers NeuronX containers, max for TensorRT-LLM container Value between 1 and number of available GPUs. For Inferentia, this represents the number of neuron cores
option.entryPoint The inference handler to use. This is either one of the built-in handlers provided by lmi, or the name of a custom script provided to LMI djl_python.huggingface for DeepSpeed Container, djl_python.tensorrt_llm for TensorRT-LLM container, djl_python.transformers_neuronx for Transformers NeuronX container djl_python.huggingface (vllm, lmi-dist, hf-accelerate), djl_python.deepspeed (deepspeed), djl_python.tensorrt_llm (tensorrt-llm), djl_python.transformers_neuronx (transformers neuronx / optimum neuron), <custom_script>.py (custom handler)
option.parallel_loading If using multiple workers (multiple model copies), setting to true will load the model workers in parallel. This should only be set to true if using multiple model copies, and there is sufficient CPU memory to load N copies of the model (memory at least N * model size in GB) false true, false
option.model_loading_timeout The maximum time for model loading before the model server times out. On SageMaker, if you set this value, you should also set container_startup_health_check_timeout=<at least model loading timeout> 1800 (seconds, 30 minutes) Integer representing time in seconds
option.output_formatter Defines the output format (response format) that the model server returns to the client json json, jsonlines

Backend Specific Configurations

Each backend provides access to additional configurations. You can find these configurations in the respective user guides.

Environment Variable Configurations

All LMI Configuration keys available in the format can be specified as environment variables.

The translation for engine is unique. The configuration engine=<engine> is translated to SERVING_LOAD_MODELS=test::<engine>=/opt/ml/model. For example:

  • engine=Python is translated to environment variable SERVING_LOAD_MODELS=test::Python=/opt/ml/model
  • engine=MPI is translated to environment variable SERVING_LOAD_MODELS=test::MPI=/opt/ml/model

Configuration keys that start with option. can be specified as environment variables using the OPTION_ prefix. The configuration option.<property> is translated to environment variable OPTION_<PROPERTY>. For example:

  • option.model_id is translated to environment variable OPTION_MODEL_ID
  • option.tensor_parallel_degree is translated to environment variable OPTION_TENSOR_PARALLEL_DEGREE

Configuration keys that do not start with option can be specified as environment variables using the SERVING_ prefix. The configuration <property> is translated to environment variable SERVING_<PROPERTY>. For example:

  • job_queue_size is translated to environment variable SERVING_JOB_QUEUE_SIZE

For a full example, given the following file:


We can translate the configuration to environment variables like this:


Next: Deploying your endpoint

Previous: Backend Selection