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TensorRT-LLM finding max_num_tokens tutorial

From LMI 0.27.0 (TRTLLM 0.8.0), we introduced max_num_tokens build option to simplify the compilation of TRTLLM model as well as supporting all kinds of traffic pattern. This max number of tokens represent the shared tokens across the TRTLLM framework regardless of the batch size or context length. It is similar to pagedAttention tokens (e.g max_batched_tokens) settings in vLLM. However, this value is controlling the engine cache that has influence to the KVCache tokens itself.

If you set this value in LMI, it is equivalent to the followings:

Serving prperties: option.max_num_tokens=50000

It is the same as:


However, please be aware. Those settings are just to remove the limitation of input/output length and batch size from compilation. It does not indicate you could do 4096 input/output x 256 batch sizes. It will be based on the actual paged tokens through compilations.

You can also override the value to the number you like. For example, Mistral 7B model support 32k context length, you can override input/output length to the value you want. We generally follow the algorithm:

option.max_input_len=max(min(4096,50000),value you override)
option.max_output_len=max(min(4096,50000),value you override)
option.max_rolling_batch_size=max(256,value you override)

Prebuilt table for LLM model under different TP settings

We understand finding the maximum number is difficult, so we precomputed a lookup table for you to find the numbers. In the future, we will fuse those number into our container and will not ask you to provide one.

LMI 0.27.0

The following number is tested on the machine with batch size up to 128 and input context up to 3700.

Model Machine Tensor Parallel Degree max number of tokens
LLaMA 2 7B g5.12xl 1 2835
LLaMA 2 7B g5.12xl 4 200000
LLaMA 2 13B g5.12xl 4 120000
LLaMA 2 13B g6.12xl 4 100000
Mistral 7B g5.12xl 1 3287
Mistral 7B g5.12xl 4 200000
Falcon 7B g5.12xl 1 2835
LLAMA 2 13B p4d.24xl 4 230000
LLAMA 2 70B p4d.24xl 8 104000
Mixtral 8x7B p4d.24xl 4 57000
Falcon 40B p4d.24xl 4 75000
CodeLLaMA 34B p4d.24xl 4 150000
CodeLLaMA 34B p4d.24xl 8 190000

Find the number with LMI-TRTLLM container solution

Before finding the precise number, you can simply try the following formula by yourself to estimate:

max_num_tokens = max_batch_size * max_input_len * alpha

Where as the Alpha is a ratio that could be from 0 - 1.0. NVIDIA recommend to set around 0.1 - 0.2 for the best performance. The reference to the algorithm is here.

And then try this number with LMI solution and see if it works. If not working, go with a binary search approach by reducing halves until you get the number you want.

We also created a simple function to allow you do this with LMI container.

Step 1: Launch the container

Using your team AWS account and login with DLC account:

aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

Then simply do

docker run -it --runtime=nvidia --gpus all --shm-size 12gb \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v /opt/dlami/nvme/large_store:/opt/djl/large_store \
-v /opt/dlami/nvme/tmp/.cache:/tmp/.cache \ /bin/bash

Here we assume you are using g5, g6, p4d, p4de or p5 machine that has NVMe disk available. Mounting to that disk will bring you several terabytes of spaces.

Step 2: Start running with max_token_finder

The following step will be executed inside the container.

You can pre-download your huggingface model to /opt/djl/large_store or simply fetch from huggingface. You can create a file named

from tensorrt_llm_toolkit.utils.utils import max_token_finder

tensor_parallel_degree = 4
model_id = "TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0"

properties = {
    "model_id": model_id,
    "tensor_parallel_degree": tensor_parallel_degree,

model, tp, max_tokens = max_token_finder(properties)
print(f"Summary:\nmodel: {model}\n tp: {tp}\n max_tokens: {max_tokens}")

You can override model_id to - local path like /opt/djl/large_store/<my_downloaded_model_folder> - HF model id like TinyLlama/TinyLlama-1.1B-Chat-v1.0

tensor_parallel_degree means the number of gpu you want to use to parallel computation. The larger value you set, the bigger max_token the model will be able to support. Finally, just run with:


Internally, we will run a binary search to help you find the number where we set won't cause engine cache OOM.

You can choose the print or save the final calculated max_tokens and divide by 2 and finally use that for option.max_num_tokens in LMI. For example, if you get the max_tokens to 50000, set this to 25000 for option.max_num_tokens. This will leave some space for pagedKVCache while still enabling engine compute.