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Chat Completions API Schema

This document describes the API schema for the chat completions endpoints (v1/chat/completions) when using the built-in inference handlers in LMI containers. This schema is applicable to our latest release, v0.30.0, and is compatible with OpenAI Chat Completions API. Documentation for previous releases is available on our GitHub on the relevant version branch (e.g. 0.30.0-dlc).

On SageMaker, Chat Completions API schema is supported with the /invocations endpoint without additional configurations. If the request contains the "messages" field, LMI will treat the request as a chat completions style request, and respond back with the chat completions response style.

When using the Chat Completions Schema, you should make sure that the model you are serving has a chat template. The chat template ensures that the payload is tokenized appropriately for your model. See the HuggingFace documentation on chat templates for more information.

This processing happens per request, meaning that you can support our standard schema, as well as chat completions schema in the same endpoint.

Note: This is an experimental feature. The complete spec has not been implemented. In particular, function calling is not currently available. We are targeting function calling support in our next release, 0.32.0, planned for January 2025.

Request Schema

Request Body Fields:

Field Name Field Type Required Possible Values
messages array of Message yes See the Message documentation
model string no example: "gpt2"
frequency_penalty float no Float number between -2.0 and 2.0.
logit_bias dict no example: {"2435": -100.0, "640": -100.0}
logprobs boolean no true, false (default)
top_logprobs int no Integer between 0 and 20.
max_tokens int no Positive integer.
n int no Positive integer.
presence_penalty float no Float number between -2.0 and 2.0.
seed int no Integer.
stop string or array no example: ["test"]
stream boolean no true, false (default)
temperature float no Float number between 0.0 and 2.0.
top_p float no Float number.
user string no example: "test"
ignore_eos boolean no true, false (default)

Example request using curl

curl -X POST \
  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "messages": [
        "role": "system",
        "content": "You are a helpful assistant."
        "role": "user",
        "content": "What is deep learning?"

Response Schema

By default, streaming is not enabled. The response is returned as application/json content-type:

Field Name Field Type Always Returned Possible Values
id string yes Example: "chatcmpl-0"
object string yes "chat.completion", "chat.completion.chunk"
created int yes The timestamp of when the chat completion was created.
choices array of Choice yes See the Choice documentation
usage Usage yes See the Usage documentation

Example response:

            "content":"Hello! I\\'m here to help you with any questions you may have. Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that involves the use"

Chat Completions API supports streaming, and the response format for streaming differs from the response format for non-streaming.

To use streaming, set "stream": true.

The response is returned token by token as application/jsonlines content-type:

Field Name Field Type Always Returned Possible Values
id string yes Example: "chatcmpl-0"
object string yes "chat.completion", "chat.completion.chunk"
created int yes The timestamp of when the chat completion was created.
choices array of StreamChoice yes See the StreamChoice documentation

Example response:

  "id": "chatcmpl-0", 
  "object": "chat.completion.chunk", 
  "created": 1712792433, 
  "choices": [
      "index": 0, 
      "delta": {"content": " Oh", "role": "assistant"}, 
      "logprobs": [
          "content": [
              "token": " Oh", 
              "logprob": -4.499478340148926, 
              "bytes": [32, 79, 104], 
              "top_logprobs": [
                  "token": -4.499478340148926, 
                  "logprob": -4.499478340148926, 
                  "bytes": [32, 79, 104]
      "finish_reason": null
  "id": "chatcmpl-0", 
  "object": "chat.completion.chunk", 
  "created": 1712792436, 
  "choices": [
      "index": 0, 
      "delta": {"content": " assist"}, 
      "logprobs": [
          "content": [
              "token": " assist", 
              "logprob": -1.019672155380249, 
              "bytes": [32, 97, 115, 115, 105, 115, 116], 
              "top_logprobs": [
                  "token": -1.019672155380249, 
                  "logprob": -1.019672155380249, 
                  "bytes": [32, 97, 115, 115, 105, 115, 116]
      "finish_reason": "length"

API Object Schemas

The following sections describe each of the request or response objects in more detail.


The message object represents a single message of the conversation. It contains the following fields:

Field Name Type Description Example
role string enum The role of the message "system", "user", "assistant"
content string or array of objects The content of the message Example: "You are a helpful assistant."


    "content":"You are a helpful assistant."

Vision/Image Support

You can specify an image as part of the content when using a vision language model. Image data can either be specified as a url, or via a base64 encoding of the image data.


    "role": "user",
    "content": [
            "type": "text",
            "text": "What is this an image of?"
            "type": "image_url",
            "image_url": {
                "url": "<base64 encoded image data | image url>"

We recommend that you use the base64 encoding to ensure no network failures occur when retrieving the image within the endpoint. Network calls to fetch images can increase latency and introduce another failure point.


The choice object represents a chat completion choice. It contains the following fields:

Field Name Type Description Example
index int The index of the choice 0
message Message A chat completion message generated by the model. See the Message documentation
logprobs Logprobs The log probability of the token See the Logprobs documentation
finish_reason string enum The reason the model stopped generating tokens "length", "eos_token", "stop_sequence"


       "content":"Hello! I\\'m here to help you with any questions you may have. Deep learning is a subfield of machine learning that involves the use"


The choice object represents a chat completion choice. It contains the following fields:

Field Name Type Description Example
index int The index of the choice 0
delta Message A chat completion delta generated by streamed model responses. See the Message documentation
logprobs Logprobs The log probability of the token See the Logprobs documentation
finish_reason string enum The reason the model stopped generating tokens "length", "eos_token", "stop_sequence"


  "index": 0, 
  "delta": {"content": " Oh", "role": "assistant"}, 
  "logprobs": [
      "content": [
          "token": " Oh", 
          "logprob": -4.499478340148926, 
          "bytes": [32, 79, 104], 
          "top_logprobs": [
              "token": -4.499478340148926, 
              "logprob": -4.499478340148926, 
              "bytes": [32, 79, 104]


Log probability information for the choice. This is only available when enable logprobs. You must specify logprobs=true and set top_logprobs to a positive integer in the input parameters.

It contains a single field "content". Inside content, it contains the following fields:

Field Name Type Description Example
token string The token generated. " Oh"
logprob float The log probability of the generated token. -4.499478340148926
bytes array of float The bytes representation of the token. [32, 79, 104]
top_logprobs array of TopLogprob Array of the most likely tokens and their log probability. See the TopLogprob documentation


         "token":" ",
               "token":" ",
         "token":" Deep",
               "token":" Deep",


Top log probability information for the choice. It contains the following fields:

Field Name Type Description Example
token string The token generated. " Oh"
logprob float The log probability of the generated token. -4.499478340148926
bytes array of float The bytes representation of the token. [32, 79, 104]
    "token":" Deep",


Usage statistics for the completion request. It contains the following fields:

Field Name Type Description Example
completion_tokens int Number of tokens in the generated completion. 33
prompt_tokens int Number of tokens in the prompt. 100
total_tokens int Total number of tokens used in the request (prompt + completion). 133

