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Run TensorFlow model on GraalVM


GraalVM is an alternative to HotSpot JVM that allows you to compile the application code ahead of time (AOT) into a native execute.

This is an example to demonstrate how to use Deep Java Library to run a TensorFlow model on GraalVM.


Follows the GraalVM installation instruction to set up GraalVM on your system. Make sure the native-image tool also gets installed: - Configure $GRAALVM_HOME and $JAVA_HOME environment variable to the location you installed

# for example:
export $GRAALVM_HOME=/path/to/graalvm/
  • native-image is installed

    shell $GRAAL_HOME/bin/gu install native-image

Build and run the application

Run the following command to build the project and run:

# set environment variable to suppress TensorFlow logging:

./mvnw clean
./mvnw package exec:java

    class: "n04254680 soccer ball", probability: 0.92693
    class: "n04039381 racket, racquet", probability: 0.06132
    class: "n09835506 ballplayer, baseball player", probability: 0.01018
    class: "n04540053 volleyball", probability: 0.00068
    class: "n02799071 baseball", probability: 0.00026

Build native image

Run the following command to build the native executable for this project:

# build native image with TensorFlow engine
./mvnw clean package -Pnative -Ptensorflow

# build native image with PyTorch engine
./mvnw clean package -Pnative -Ppytorch

You will find a native executable file generated: target/image-classification

Run application

# set environment variable to suppress TensorFlow logging: