Testing for custom script/entryPoint with LMI¶
If you are writing your own custom entryPoint and want to test it before you test it with model server in SageMaker, this tutorial could help with that. Currently, we offer a mechanism to run the LMI python handler in a standalone fashion. It supports the following two use cases: - Testing with serving.properties/environment variables - Testing with default handlers and see how it produces the output for your input - Testing with custom model.py
In this guide, we provide two supplementary tutorials:
1. we will try to test our default huggingface handler with rolling batch enabled to auto.
2. we will try to create an entrypoint python file hello_world.py
and demonstrate how that could work with our testing APIs.
Step 1: Download and bash into the DLC container¶
We generally recommend you to do your test based into your DLC container. This is because, lmi-dist needs GLIBC and torch, and you might need to test with the same version as used in the DLC, to avoid facing any problems. You might also need our wheels such as lmi_dist, vllm and tensorrt-llm that we ship into our DLC.
For example:
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 --shm-size=12g --runtime=nvidia -v /home/ubuntu/test.py:/workplace/test.py \
763104351884.dkr.ecr.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/djl-inference:0.28.0-lmi10.0.0-cu124 /bin/bash
Step 2: Install DJLServing Python module¶
You can simply do:
From master branch¶
pip install git+https://github.com/deepjavalibrary/djl-serving.git#subdirectory=engines/python/setup
From a specific DLC version¶
pip install git+https://github.com/deepjavalibrary/djl-serving.git@0.28.0-dlc#subdirectory=engines/python/setup
Tutorial 1: Running with default handler with rolling batch¶
You can start a test with DJLServing offered default handlers. Here we are testing our djl_python.huggingface handler with rolling batch as lmi-dist
. Let's create a file called test.py
import os
from djl_python import huggingface
from djl_python.test_model import TestHandler
envs = {
"HF_MODEL_ID": "NousResearch/Nous-Hermes-Llama2-13b",
"OPTION_MPI_MODE": "true",
for key, value in envs.items():
os.environ[key] = value
handler = TestHandler(huggingface)
inputs = [{
"inputs": "The winner of oscar this year is",
"parameters": {
"max_new_tokens": 50
}, {
"inputs": "A little redhood is",
"parameters": {
"max_new_tokens": 256
result = handler.inference_rolling_batch(inputs)
The model we are trying to run is a LLAMA-13B variant.
Assuming you are on a g5.12xlarge
machine, you can run the following command to play with handler:
mpirun -N 4 --allow-run-as-root python3 test.py
Note: Use the mpirun
only when OPTION_MPI_MODE=true. Otherwise, run it as simple python script.
Tutorial 2: Running with custom model script¶
Let's create a file called hello_world.py
and this will be the handler for us to use.
from djl_python.outputs import Output
def init_model(properties):
print(f"Model initialized {properties}")
return properties
model = None
def handle(inputs):
global model
if model == None:
model = init_model(inputs.get_properties())
return Output().add(inputs.get_as_json())
and create a custom serving.properties
Then we could just do:
import os
import hello_world
from djl_python.test_model import TestHandler, create_json_request
handler = TestHandler(hello_world, os.getcwd())
handler.inference(create_json_request({"Hello": "world"}))
Execute the above code will run the custom handler. You can see the properties in your custom handler, that has the custom property option.var
in your serving.properties.